Bosu is a multifunctional hemispherical fitness ball, which becomes more popular among the fans of the non-traditional methods of fitness training. You can use Bosu to perform various exercises, yoga, dance and almost everything you have in your mind. This fitness ball will give you much more opportunities to lose weight and improve your figure. The fun which you will have is guaranteed. Check out below the main advantages and different ways to use the ball.
What is Bosu fitness ball?
Bosu is the English abbreviation for “BOth Side Use.” The unusual fitness device is also called “bosu balance trainer” or “bilateral balance simulator.” The platform is made of plastic with a diameter of about 63 cm, two handles for carrying and rubber hemisphere (30 cm).
Bosu is invented in U.S.A., where in 1999 the first prototype was made. It is especially designed for people practicing ice hockey, volleyball, skiing and snowboarding.
The inventor of the ball is David Wek, who attempted to revise the usual fitness ball with safer and more stable version because of his injury. At the beginning it looks like a board that represents the movement of skiers. Then the circular platform that moves in all directions is added. It is not accidently that the first thing you must learn if you want to use Bosu is to keep and improve your balance.
What can be done with Bosu?
You can do almost everything on Bosu – exercises such as jumps, slopes, push-ups, dancing, yoga, Pilates, etc. Bosu fitness ball will help you to improve not only your balance and coordination, but different exercises with Bosu can simulate different muscle groups using special choreography, dumbbells and fitness bands.
During training both sides of the platform are used. You can place your body in different positions or move it continuously in all directions. This strain different muscle groups, while maintaining the balance. Upon stepping onto the both sides of the platform the body naturally loses balance. You are highly unstable until you learn how to improve your balance. It is really funny and very useful for your muscles. You should begin with slow and simple exercises, then to go after more complicated movements and positions. Just don’t hurry up with your progress because it can lead to unpleasant and painful injuries. It is important to keep your ankles because you can hurt them really bad at the start of your training.
Training with Bosu leads to rapid weight loss, because the intensity is pretty big and the workload is serious. The Bosu mania gripped the world and the innovative fitness ball is recommended for all ages and levels of physical condition. For beginners, it is advisable to start with short training sessions of about 10 minutes. Bosu fitness ball is pleasant and effective way to lose weight, burn more fats and build more muscles. Just find out several Bosu exercises and perform them every day. It is great way to improve your figure from the comfort of your home, so do not hesitate and try its benefits.